Timothy Wee

Founder in Incubation, VIE Create4Good
Chair, SUTD Tech Entre Programme
SG Envoy to Europe, LKYGBPC
VC Analyst, Protégé Ventures
Design & AI, SUTD


Timothy is a third-year student as the pioneer batch of the Design and Artificial Intelligence (DAI) major at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD).He is one of <30 students enrolled in the SUTD Technology Entrepreneurship Programme (STEP), the university’s flagship programme for developing the next generation of entrepreneurial talent. He was also elected chair of the Executive Committee for STEP, working to improve the programme for fellow students and grow their industry exposure.He is passionate about using technology to help people and to make difficult things easier. He has a special place in his heart for social entrepreneurship, where he’s helped bring clean water to rural communities, explored ways to 3d-print low-cost housing, and tried to bring remote, impoverished places online.In his past life, before deciding to pursue his curiosity as an engineer, he received three offers to study Law, at NUS and SMU in Singapore, and at the University of Warwick in the UK. He figured he could try those out later.


So far, he has worked on AI text-based analysis, houses made from plant waste, and AI-generated weight-saving bicycle cranks, amongst other things. He has also built an online directory to hasten students’ access to critical information (for which he received the SUTD ROOT Outstanding Individual Award), contributed to a computer vision-based system to count sterilised items at a national hospital in Singapore, and remotely controlled a 3D printer with a Telegram bot.Of late, he's just taken his fourth and fifth hackathon wins at Stanford Treehacks this Feb 2023, working on ControlDB, a decentralized database solution at 1/100th the cost of traditional ones.

Fun Stuff

In his free time, you may find him playing fingerstyle guitar (10+ years of experience), mountain biking (founded SUTD CyclingGeng, grew from 5 to 50 members in 1 year) or tending to his garden of carnivorous plants.


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